May 30, 2022


Picture this. It’s summer and your pool is open, ready for use. You made the leap and nstalled artificial grass around the pool. Now you can focus on relaxing instead of mowing/trimming the grass! Here are 8 top reasons synthetic turf is the best choice to install around your pool.



Even if you don’t live in a drought-prone area, conserving water is a popular topic today. Estimates from the EPA suggest that 1/3 of all public water usage goes to landscape/grass watering. So, regardless of where you are located, keeping your water usage to a minimum is a smart thing to do so our future generations can continue having access to fresh drinking water.



Artificial grass will eliminate all dirt and mud issues around your pool. No matter how often you tell children to stop splashing water out of the pool, you know there is always water splashing over. And when water and your yard meet, mud will happen. Where mud happens, muddy footprints will get into the home. Because artificial grass has superior drainage than natural grass, you’ll have significantly less water getting into your house from the pool.



Whether you have kids doing cannonballs or trying to splash you by the poolside, you know everything around the pool is going to get wet. If you have traditional grass around your pool, you’ve certainly seen that water creates puddles in low lying areas and how chlorine will sometimes kill your grass. Synthetic grass is designed for optimal drainage, so it will drain liquid faster than natural grass.



Slippery poolsides are very hazardous. There’s a reason that the old rule of “no running” is one of the first things listed at public pools. But, sometimes, little ones get excited and break the rules. When hard materials (or even traditional grass) around the pool get wet, sometimes you do not even need to be running in order to slip—accidents happen! Artificial turf won’t be as slippery as concrete or bricks, which will keep you and your family safer. Plus, artificial turf is more forgiving, so if you do fall, the damage won’t be as bad as falling on concrete.



Modern artificial turf looks nothing like turf the turf of old. Back in the day, it looked more like a green plastic mat than grass, but due to advancements in technology, it’s difficult to tell the difference between natural grass and synthetic turf. If you install synthetic turf around your pool, you’ll become envied by your neighbors because your grass will always be well-trimmed and beautiful.



Harsh chemicals are getting a bad rap today—and rightly so. Chemicals can be unhealthy for both your family and pets. For example, if you use weed killer or pesticides on your yard, they can be easily introduced into your pool when they’re applied or carried on bare feet when people enter the pool. Also, if you’ve ever had grass clippings fall into your pool, you know how fast it can throw off the whole PH balance, causing you to need more chemicals to get you swimming pool back in balance.



Bugs love organic grass. They feed on grass blades, lay eggs in the soil, and thrive year after year. If you use fertilizer in your yard, they are that much more drawn to it because fertilizer makes their food source even more nutritous and lush. Synthetic turf is not edible, so it naturally prevents bothersome bugs, keeping mosquitos, fleas, and ticks at bay.



Are you aware that you can suffer a second-degree burn from pavement (concrete, asphalt, or brick) that is in the sun all day? Hot pavement is also dangerous for people with neuropathy (loss of nerve sensation). They may experience decreased sensation in their feet, not realizing they are burning their feet on a surface that has heated to a dangerous temperature. Minimizing any use of concrete, brick, or asphalt around your pool by installing artificial turf can help you and your guests avoid burns. Additionally, you can have HydroChill installed with your turf for an even cooler surface.



Ready to see just how much synthetic grass can improve how you keep up your lawn? Look at our products to see samples of the turf we have available. When you are ready, the team at Southwest Greens of Michigan will be ready to assist. Contact us today for a no-obligation consultation.